Bowtie Banjo

Bowtie Banjo

The Home for Gibson Bowtie Banjo Enthusiasts

What is Bowtie Banjo?

A cult has grown around the post WW-II Gibson "bowtie" banjos, the RB-150 and RB-250. This site focuses on the Gibson’s twenty years of bowtie production from 1948 through 1968. This is a site for essay, information, and cataloging known style 100, 150, 250, and 500 Gibson banjos.



Catalogs and other Ephemera

HANG TAGS1954 RB-250 Hang Tags (from RB-250 4-2468-31) CATALOGS


Please consider submitting your vintage Gibson bowtie banjo to the database. Conversions of style 100 banjos should not be submitted. However, if you have a 150 or 250 conversion to 5-string, your banjo is definitely...